Saturday 14 July 2012

Long To Rain Over Us

A short poem based on the Diamond Jubilee Flotilla:

The rain lashed down at an astonishing rate,
yet the British did not hesitate,
to arrive, en masse at the Thames banks,
for Her Majesty, a symbol of their thanks.

Sixty years, the length of her reign,
and with dignity she did maintain,
a broad grin etched across her aged face,
the celebrations  throughout the country continued at pace.

The Spirit of Chartwell glided elegantly along,
accompanied by a fleet, 1000 strong,
an array of purple, red and pristine gold,
the crowd gazed proudly, in the bitter cold.

Church bells, horns and cheers filled the air,
the British spirit in a triumphant fanfare,
a flawless diamond, shining bright,
a finale of fireworks to crown the night.


  1. Wow! This is really good, it gives a detailed picture of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee, and the poem is very well written:)

  2. I really enjoyed the rich language and word play in this; great work JR.
