Saturday 14 July 2012

My Mind's Eye

I am trapped in an ancient manor house, cobwebs in every nook and cranny, flickering shadows and the creak of floorboards enforcing unimaginable terror in my being. As my eyes dart uncontrollably in the dark, crude portraits become somewhat visible, lining the aged walls, a tribute to the lives now lost. Ornate, rustic pillars loom like giants in the hallway. The echoes of those who have once resided in the manor still resonate, like an evil presence. I run my trembling fingers across the exquisite oak furniture, coated in a thick layer of accumulated dust, and a chill seeps into me as I sense ethereal spirits, ghostly reincarnations of previous inhabitants. Is this hellish nightmare of a house merely a creation of my mind, or is this reality? I long to leave this cursed manor, to be as far away from the place as possible, by any means available. The panic is consuming me and I wish for the confusion and trepidation to end. Fear grips my heart as I cower in the corner, anticipating the daylight, to force the pale silhouettes away.  Mystery lies behind the unknown reason for my dismay. There must be an answer to this madness…


  1. This is really scary, but in a good way! I really want to know what happens in the end...well done!

  2. This is very tense and exciting, it is a unique piece of writing! I am intrigued to know more about the storyline.. really good;)
